Step 1: Register with FEMA for Student Identification Number (SID)

Use the QR code or link (FEMA Student Identification (SID) System ( to register for a FEMA SID, or retrieve your FEMA SID. You will need this to register for this course.

Step 2: Setup a Teachable Account

Sign up with Teachable Learning Management System using the QR Code or link -

Use your full name as you want it to appear on your course certificate. Once you have setup a Teachable account, Log in to Teachable with your credentials.

Step 3: Enroll in this course.

  1. To register for this course, go DOWN to the "Finish Course Registration" button and click it.
  2. Once you have completed course registration, you may need to verify your email and course registration via a link in an email from Teachable. After this, you will have access to some of the course materials.
  3. If you are not taken directly to the MGT-490-V course, you can go to all your enrolled courses and find MGT-490-V in the list of enrolled courses.

Tasks BEFORE You Take MGT-490-V

  1. Complete the FEMA Registration Form found in the "Course Introduction" section of the MGT-490-V course.
  2. Download the calendar appointment containing the webinar link that corresponds to the delivery date of your course.
  3. Take the Pre-Course test BEFORE you take the MGT-490-V course.

Course Information

Offered monthly at varying times to accommodate all U.S. time zones. See options listed in the Course Introduction section of the enrollment process.

Be sure to fill out the FEMA Student Registration Form and take the Pre-Course Test after accessing the course materials in Teachable and before attending the course.

Example Curriculum

  Course Introduction
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Participant Guide
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Course & Instructor Evaluation Form
Available in days
days after you enroll
  New section
Available in days
days after you enroll